Empowering Women Everywhere

On July 27, 2015 I was honored to be a guest of Nan Gill-Wilson on her "Empowering Women Everywhere" show, cable channel #23. It was humbling to be able to talk about the birth of the Artisan Discovery Foundation and our upcoming projects in the Highlands of Peru.  We were so grateful to be offered the opportunity to share our story.  Please visit https://vimeo.com/136529152 to see the interview.

Our first in-country journey took place on August 14th through August 29th, 2015 and my hope is to share that experience.  It took 3 years to raise the funding needed to begin our first on-the-ground "in the trenches" field work and we were able to film x3 mini documentaries of our work while we were there.  Stay tuned while our films are still in editing stage.  We can't wait to share them with you!